Setting the Stage Imagine that you are an average ordinary Qlik Developer. You start to create a new application for some healthcare big cheese so you find the virtual data warehouse of QVD files and all goes well. The data… Read more ›
Goal While on a recent journey to learn more about Semantic Modeling and Graphing Database technology, I set off to try and visualize a Knowledge Graph. Oh sure I could have created some fake sales data with 2 or 3… Read more ›
WII-FM When I was young Dork starting my career I participated in Toastmasters International for 7 years. If you aren’t familiar with the organization it is a non-profit group with clubs all over the world where you meet on a… Read more ›
In my previous post Merging with Time Travel I demonstrated how you can combine Qlik’s Merge functionality to take advantage of Snowflake Time Travel. After all, everyone else in the world is talking about Change Data Capture and Data Pipelines… Read more ›
Yikes Sorry science fiction fans this post isn’t about time travel or the new fascination with surviving while traveling through a black hole. It’s about something much scarier and harder to deal with. End users who are super demanding. You… Read more ›
I need more data We’ve all said that before. More importantly, we have all heard that from other users before. Well let’s imagine that your users are using something like the Qlik SAP Orders to Cash Accelerator application. They don’t… Read more ›
Flexibility Question: How do you know whether you are an artist or a BI designer? Answer: By the amount of hands on interaction from your end users. To that end Qlik provides you the means of adding functionality to engage… Read more ›
Advanced Analytics with Aster I recently stumbled upon Teradata’s Aster and I’m pretty fired up. It turns out there is an entire community dedicated to helping data visualization people like myself learn how to implement advanced analytic functions. The site… Read more ›
That is the question. At least it’s the question that we in the business intelligence community should be focusing on. Why weave my title so closely to one of the most famous lines by William Shakespeare? Simple. Our ability to… Read more ›
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you are surrounded by a bunch of whiny brats? No I’m not talking about your children (or grand children in my case.) I’m talking about your leadership team. You’ve written thousands… Read more ›