Have you ever wondered what events happen to patients after a particular surgery is performed? Well I did. Like I seriously can’t sleep when I start wondering about things like that. I start believing crazy things like we can change… Read more ›
When most people think of Qlik they think of our patented Qlik Indexing Engine having all of your data in memory. I love demonstrating the lightning fast speeds and responsiveness with hundreds of millions of rows of data. More and… Read more ›
Advanced Analytics with Aster I recently stumbled upon Teradata’s Aster and I’m pretty fired up. It turns out there is an entire community dedicated to helping data visualization people like myself learn how to implement advanced analytic functions. The site… Read more ›
That is the question. At least it’s the question that we in the business intelligence community should be focusing on. Why weave my title so closely to one of the most famous lines by William Shakespeare? Simple. Our ability to… Read more ›
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you are surrounded by a bunch of whiny brats? No I’m not talking about your children (or grand children in my case.) I’m talking about your leadership team. You’ve written thousands… Read more ›
Besides helping customers by day and being an all around Qlik Dork at other times I happen to have a very strong passion for helping fastpitch softball players elevate their game. When I say elevate their game I mean getting over… Read more ›
You know I love to go out on a limb using data metaphors. Sometimes they are my own and sometimes I flat out steal them from others. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.) I’ve wanted to continue… Read more ›
I’ve enjoyed my career in Business Intelligence but after seeing the following visualization which shows the amazing potential for earning profit in the home flipping business I think it’s time I became a real estate mogul. Unless you’ve been under… Read more ›
One of my favorite activities as a child was doing mental puzzles. Matchstick puzzles like this were among my favorites. Easy to understand wording like “Move 2 matchsticks and turn this fish that is swimming to the left into a… Read more ›
As this is intended to be a blog about visualization it seemed only fitting that I devote this post to visualizing the concept I introduced last week that I called a Data Consumption Continuum. It all started with … A… Read more ›