We humans love to consume. Food. Water. Fuels. And my personal favorite Chocolate. You name it we want to consume it. Health warnings have little effect at deterring us from consuming mass quantities of the wrongs things. Yet sadly there… Read more ›
In 30 years as a parent I can tell you I’ve had many memorable moments with my 2 amazing daughters. As humans, most of our memorable moments around babies involve movement. Let’s face it as cute as they are it… Read more ›
I recently had the opportunity to demonstrate Qlik Sense for the Director of a large health system’s Revenue Cycle team. The consultant who recommended us spoke with me ahead of time and we got along great. “This guy has been… Read more ›
This past week I had my annual review. This time of year always makes me envious of those that produce widgets. I would love to be able to show my boss a list of all of the widget producers and… Read more ›
What do the numbers 3.53, 17.6 and 4 all have in common? They are completely useless when displayed by themselves because they have no context. Length of Stay is a vastly important metric in health care and here is the most… Read more ›
“It was the best of times, It was the worst of times, It was the age of wisdom, It was the age of foolishness …” These are the unforgettable opening lines to Charles Dickens’ classic “A Tale of Two Cities.”… Read more ›
Not that anyone would be surprised to discover a direct correlation between supply and demand but in my last post on “Visualizing Knowledge” the scatter plot proved to be a very advantageous chart type in that it showed there was… Read more ›
I love it when a plan comes together. For the past several weeks I’ve been reading furiously and working like a dog doing my day job, while also trying to come up to speed on Qlik Sense as quickly as… Read more ›
Have you heard the joke about the lab technician that walks into the room to stick you with a 15” needle and draw your blood? Of course you haven’t that’s just not very funny stuff. More than likely you are… Read more ›
I was recently asked to produce a rounding report for physicians. Easy enough right? Slap some vitals on a page, toss in some lab results and the medication administration record and voila … you have a rounding report. But that… Read more ›