Setting the Stage Imagine that you are an average ordinary Qlik Developer. You start to create a new application for some healthcare big cheese so you find the virtual data warehouse of QVD files and all goes well. The data… Read more ›
Goal While on a recent journey to learn more about Semantic Modeling and Graphing Database technology, I set off to try and visualize a Knowledge Graph. Oh sure I could have created some fake sales data with 2 or 3… Read more ›
Background Before I dive into the deep end of walking you through the process of creating a Qlik Link Table, I want to share a tiny bit of background. As I was learning Qlik one of the most impactful things… Read more ›
Background I loved playing Hungry Hungry Hippos as a child, as a parent and as a grandparent. So when the opportunity arose to talk about Information Hungry hippos, I mean end users, I just couldn’t pass up the chance to… Read more ›
The ballots have been tabulated and the 2022 Dorksi for Role Playing Dimension of the Year goes to the “Physicians Table.” The CEO, CIO, CMO, CNO of the ficticous, soap opera based General Hospital Health System all shared the same… Read more ›
In my previous post Merging with Time Travel I demonstrated how you can combine Qlik’s Merge functionality to take advantage of Snowflake Time Travel. After all, everyone else in the world is talking about Change Data Capture and Data Pipelines… Read more ›