Setting the Stage Imagine that you are an average ordinary Qlik Developer. You start to create a new application for some healthcare big cheese so you find the virtual data warehouse of QVD files and all goes well. The data… Read more ›
I’ve enjoyed my career in Business Intelligence but after seeing the following visualization which shows the amazing potential for earning profit in the home flipping business I think it’s time I became a real estate mogul. Unless you’ve been under… Read more ›
This past week I had my annual review. This time of year always makes me envious of those that produce widgets. I would love to be able to show my boss a list of all of the widget producers and… Read more ›
“It was the best of times, It was the worst of times, It was the age of wisdom, It was the age of foolishness …” These are the unforgettable opening lines to Charles Dickens’ classic “A Tale of Two Cities.”… Read more ›
Have you heard the joke about the lab technician that walks into the room to stick you with a 15” needle and draw your blood? Of course you haven’t that’s just not very funny stuff. More than likely you are… Read more ›
I was recently asked to produce a rounding report for physicians. Easy enough right? Slap some vitals on a page, toss in some lab results and the medication administration record and voila … you have a rounding report. But that… Read more ›