One Thing remains Constant
2020 certainly brought a lot of change to the world. But proved that one thing remains constant.
2020 brought such pain to so many people globally that many wish to forget it entirely. But proved that one thing remains constant.
2020 turned a world that seemed so small and navigable, into a giant, untravellable and scary place. But proved that one thing remains constant.
For all its faults.
For all the chaos it caused.
For all the bitterness, brokenness and backstabbing it yielded.
2020 proved that we are better together than we are alone. That one thing has remained constant.
2020 proved that our hearts aren’t meant to be alone they are meant to be shared. That one thing has remained constant.
2020 reminded us that our hearts aren’t meant to be solo acts singing alone. They are meant to be lived with a glorious choir full of other beating hearts.
On this Valentine’s Day 2021 the DataOnThe.Rocks family wishes to celebrate that 2020 brought us together. It joined us a global group of diverse authors.
On this Valentine’s Day 2021 the DataOnThe.Rocks family hopes you will join us in celebrating the 3 new hearts that are now beating strong in our family. Karl Pover, Michael Steedle and Luis Felipe Tensini each bring additional insights, perspective and drive that will make it impossible not to hear our hearts beating.
On this Valentine’s Day 2021 the DataOnThe.Rocks family wishes to thank our families for the love, support and encouragement that they offer us. For it is their hearts that give us the strength to pursue data, coding and analytics so passionately.
On this Valentine’s Day 2021 the DataOnThe.Rocks family wishes to thank you for your comments, sharing and support. We hope that you enjoy this small animated reminder that while each heart is beautiful alone, they are much better together. That is one thing that remains constant.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_gallery el_id=”gallery-159756″ medias=”84310″ gutter_size=”3″ screen_lg=”1000″ screen_md=”600″ screen_sm=”480″ single_overlay_opacity=”50″ single_padding=”2″ title=”Hearts are better together”][/vc_column][/vc_row]