A Bunch of Whiny Brats
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you are surrounded by a bunch of whiny brats? No I’m not talking about your children (or grand children in my case.) I’m talking about your leadership team. You’ve written thousands of reports. Labored over hundreds of applications. Yet they keep whining about wanting Actionable Intelligence.
Your Reaction
You beat your head against the wall to surface data from a cocktail napkin and merge it with 147 other data sources from database systems, Excel sheets and external data sources on the web and you make it work. You put all of the data into an amazing analytical application that is truly Functional Art that even Alberto Cairo would give you two thumbs up for. But without even so much as a pat on the back for the great job the first response is “We want something simpler. We already have Executive Portal can’t you just embed those charts into the site we are already have a link to?”
A bunch of whiny brats right. It’s just one more link to save to your favorites. It’s just one more application to learn. But noooooo they want to press the easy button because unlike you that has to learn 189 things per day to stay current they don’t want to change their delicate little processes.
Embedded Analytics
Well don’t be dismayed my friend there are whiny brats like that all over the world and the Qlik platform enables you to support them. I’m not joking. The Qlik API’s enable you to take the gorgeous work you’ve done and embed the KPI’s or charts directly into your existing portal and this quick 6 and a half minute video I show you exactly how to do that.
Ok now how could anyone could complain about this right? You can embed your genius analytical solutions right into the portal they use every day. You can embed Finance related data right into their Sharepoint page and it relates and allows interaction.
C’mon even your leadership team has to stand back in awe. Amazed at your skill and the innovation of Qlik’s platform to support that kind of functionality. Right?
These are whiny little brats you are dealing with. Their first reactions are “That’s pretty nice but I don’t want to see the same 5 charts that Bob sees. I need to control my own dashboard because I’m the center of my universe.”
Are you kidding me??? They have access to key information on their mobile device from their executive portal and that isn’t enough?
No it’s not enough.
The reality is that your leadership team aren’t whiny little brats they are saavy business people who need to constantly push the threshold. They need access to the company data that has been kept from them for years. For crying out loud their mothers use Pinetrest everyday to “pin” recipes and come back to them whenever they want. Yet there you stand telling them that every time they want something added/removed from the portal they have to fill out a ticket request and wait for you to be the bottleneck in their accessing the information they need to do their job?
Self Service Dashboards
C’mon this is Qlik we are talking about. A company named by Forbes as one of the Top 10 Innovative Growth companies. Of course they can provide Self Service Dashboard capabilities. What do you think they are doing just helping you visualize data on your own workstation?
How simple can they make it? You know that Pinetrest site that has had “pins” pressed over 50 Billion times … yeah … they’ve made it that simple. In this short 4 minute video I demonstrate how to do the same thing.
An Innovative Platform
“There are no dreams to large, no innovation unimaginable and no frontier’s beyond our reach.” – John S Herrington.
“There’s a way to do it better – find it.” – Thomas Edison
Unless your leaders can consume it your companies data is not an asset it is a very expensive liability. Qlik is providing you a platform that allows only your mind to limit how you surface it. You have right now at your disposal the tools to surface your data via embedded analytics on your existing portals as well as allowing your staff to surface only the data they are actually interested in via their own personalized dashboards by simply “pinning” objects.
Actionable Intelligence
Just building data visualizations isn’t the answer. Presenting Actionable Intelligence in a way that can be consumed and acted upon is the goal. Now that you know what’s available it’s just a matter of whether you want to innovate the way data is consumed within your company or not.
You say: “Presenting Actionable Intelligence in a way that can be consumed and acted upon is the goal.”
I would take that further and say Presenting Actionable Intelligence in a way that it IS consumed and acted upon is the goal.”
The real metric for BI success is what positive actions actually happened, as opposed to what could but does not happen.
I like the fact that the word IS adds that level of responsibility. Thank you.
Thanks for the informative and entertaining presentation today. Glad to have found this blog.
the exec dashboards pinterest type app you have is amazing! I’ve only recently just started doing my own mash ups and publishing them and have also just stumbled upon your blog. Looking forward to more posts!